Ryan Christie Ryan Christie

The EarthBoard: A Multipurpose Tool for Improving Grip Strength, Club Swinging, and Hand Balancing

The EarthBoard is a natural and effective tool for improving grip strength, hand dexterity, and club swinging. Its wooden surface and grip opportunities provide a unique and challenging way to work the muscles of the hands, forearms, arms and shoulders.

The EarthBoard is not just for improving foot strength and flexibility. This versatile wooden balance tool can also be used to enhance grip strength, club swinging, hand balancing, shoulder mobility, and finger and hand dexterity. In fact, the EarthBoard has roots in ancient Persian culture, where it was used as a training tool for improving push-ups and other upper body exercises.

Whether you're a rock climber looking to improve your grip, a club swinger looking to enhance your skills, or simply someone looking to improve your overall hand and upper body strength, the EarthBoard has something to offer. Its natural wood construction and unstable surface provide an excellent way to challenge your grip and hand muscles, as well as your balance and stability.

So why wait? Add the EarthBoard to your training routine today and see how it can benefit your hands and upper body. From improved grip strength to enhanced club swinging skills, the EarthBoard has something for everyone.

Police Officer Minjoo Kim using the 2 EarthBoards for club swinging like a back stroke in swimming. This was on a Portuguese Beach on an Authentic Alpha Retreat.

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Fitness, Wellness, Balance Training, Foot Care Ryan Christie Fitness, Wellness, Balance Training, Foot Care Ryan Christie

The EarthBoard: A Simple and Versatile Way to Improve Your Foot Strength and Flexibility

Feet on the Earth!

The feet are the foundation of the body. They support our weight and allow us to stand, walk, and move. Without strong and healthy feet, our overall physical function and well-being can be compromised. That's why it's so important to take care of our feet and ensure that they are strong, flexible, and capable of supporting the demands of daily life.

One way to care for your feet and improve their strength and flexibility is by using a wooden balance tool like the EarthBoard. The EarthBoard is a simple, portable, and versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of foot and lower body exercises. Its wood construction gives it a natural feel and a non-slip grip, making it comfortable and more secure to use than other balance tools on the market.

Whether you're a runner looking to improve your stride, a dancer working on your turns and leaps, or simply someone looking to improve your balance and stability, the EarthBoard is an excellent choice. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to take with you wherever you go, so you can use it at home, at the gym, or on the go.

So why wait? Start taking care of your feet today with your very own EarthBoard. Your feet will thank you, and your whole body will benefit from the improved strength and flexibility.

Big balance challenge for the feet in the bottom of the squats on the Earth-Board

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Ryan Christie Ryan Christie

Grounding with the Earth-Board: How This Wooden Balance Tool Can Benefit Your Health and Well-Being

Grounding helps you feel more connected and less stressed.

Grounding, also known as Earthing, refers to the practice of intentionally establishing skin contact with the Earth's surface, often by walking barefoot on the ground or sitting, standing, or lying on the ground. There is some scientific research suggesting that grounding may offer a number of potential health benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, improved cardiovascular function, and enhanced immune function.

One way to incorporate grounding into your daily routine is by using a wooden balance tool like the Earth-Board. The Earth-Board is made of high-quality wood and is designed to be used as an extension of your body, providing a natural and effective way to connect with the Earth and reap the potential benefits of grounding. In addition to its potential health benefits, using the Earth-Board is also a fun and enjoyable way to get some exercise and improve your balance and stability.

By incorporating the Earth-Board into your routine, you can not only improve your physical health, but also connect with nature in a meaningful way. As the famous naturalist John Muir once said, "Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world." So why not take a step through that doorway and explore the many benefits of grounding with the Earth-Board?

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