Customer Journey

Since 2005, we have been honing our skills with “Holistic Movement” coaching, i.e. helping people to connect deeper in Body, Mind, and Spirit.

We have learned from top coaches all over the world to better help our global clientele. We supplement our coaching with tools that give our clients the biggest bang for their buck. Our continuing aim is to be at the forefront in the evolution of how we can maximize human performance and potential.


Our Mission

Is to inspire people to tap into their creative Flow state more frequently. For it is in this state where the real movement magic happens as it is intuition and play which guide the experience. We want to teach people to use simple but effective tools like the Earth Board to help do this. Our audacious goal is to have 1 million people using their Earth Board like a playground for at least 10 minutes every day.

Endless Movement Possibilities


“I have been using the Earth Board to put upper body flows together. So much variety without gimmick. It’s not wobbly like a slack line or an upside down Bosu ball, it’s not quite a balance board, but it just challenges the in-line position better than anything I’ve seen, helping to teach my neck to stay out of it by finding center and growing roots. Loving it man. Thanks for the toy with a million uses.”

— Neil Roberts